Thursday, November 16, 2017

How gender is created

It is a common belief that gender is a given. I do not believe this is the case at all.  I just received the latest "American Girl" which is owned by the Mattel Co. since 1998. Mattel must somehow know that I have 4 granddaughters in the right consumer age for their product. I smell facebook here. Mattel which is behind the policies of American Girl have great interest in promoting a streamlined gender type who will buy their products and in doing so they are supporting an outdated gender model which runs contrary to the understanding of gender fluidity. In the new catalogue all the dolls have long shiny hair and the color pink is all over each page:
The all American Girl is not supposed to do anything meaningful other than house chores or tending to the babies:
And when they go camping it is not to hike Mount Baker but to stand by the portable kitchen camper
and cook for guess who!
After the all American Girl comes back from camping she has house chores to do so obviously she has to get back into the kitchen:
 and do the laundry!
Not so for the NEW doll in the all American Girl line up. The boy doll Logan does not have to do any chores or anything actually, but he is pictured playing the drums!!!!!!
That is how Mattel creates gender and how gender is sold to the public and it sells like crazy. No wonder equality is only to be found somewhere in a future world.

Monday, November 13, 2017

The well maidens.

Maybe it would have been better if we had kept our projections on the medieval understanding of the gods because we would have recognized the demons much easier. Back then our projections were attached to external powers and they could not hide from us, they were seen, named and feared. Today, however,  the gods and goddesses, the demons and the trolls have moved inside our psyche and we are not so quick to point them out. For example, the president was (is) a womanizer but his supporters don’t care because they know that they can also be perpetrators.  After all, it is in all of us right, so it’s not so bad.  Thus a perpetrator is voted into the White House.  That is one part of the story: Psyche works in amazing ways. All of a sudden,  women began to wake up and walk into the open saying “No more.” One by one,  the sexual predators were outed and exposed by their former victims. Most of those accused of crimes against women, call it a witch hunt. But history will witness better. This is exactly what the collective unconscious does and how it works. The truth of these men who preyed on women will be obvious and in the light of day because women are fed up with male misbehavior. It is symbolically the archetypal image of the well maidens from Camelot who are stepping into the light of this century to say “No more rape of the feminine.” This is the new hope for our times, a new era of consciousness coming into being in the light of day.   The restoration of the feminine can signal  the abandonment of the sick patriarchal system which has now run its course.